Compass — North of 60

Don’t miss the NEXT great work God prepared for you to accomplish.

  Thinking of retiring? Think again!

Retirement is not a biblical concept. God has something better for you.

Dr. Bill Peel can help you accomplish the great work still ahead in your most influential years.

Compass: North of 60

You worked hard all your life. Reaching retirement age is a monumental achievement that should be celebrated—and you probably do deserve a vacation. But God has something else in mind for you as well. He has not finished with you yet.

Your life story has a plot and purpose that’s part of God’s grand story, and He designed you to play a significant role. If you have a pulse, you have a purpose. Through the COMPASS process, you can discover and pursue what God has planned for you next.

COMPASS is a proven process that helps people chart the course to the future God has planned.

The Monday morning you awake and have nothing on your schedule for the day, we want you to know what’s next and so does God.

The proven Compass process will help you …

  • Take a fresh look at God’s purpose and plan for your life
  • Gain clarity about a fulfilling path forward
  • Filter opportunities that come your way, so you can say Yes with confidence and No without guilt
  • Develop strategies for overcoming obstacles, rising above discouragement, and turning dreams into reality
  • Gain insights about how God designed your spouse and family members
  • Map your next steps—no matter what your age or stage in life

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which he prepared in advance for us to do.

—Ephesians 2:10

 Email [email protected] to schedule a complimentary conversation with Dr. Bill Peel to learn more about Compass. You’ll be glad you did.

At this time in your life, you have more wisdom, experience, time, influence, and resources than ever before, and you live in a world that desperately needs you not to miss the important things God created you to accomplish. You can choose to be …

Indulgent – I’ve worked my butt off to get here; I deserve a life of leisure.

Indifferent – What I do won’t make a difference, so why try.

Influential – I can continue to make a difference to someone—and maybe a lot of someones.

Which will it be?

 The Compass process will help you …

  • Take a fresh look at God’s purpose and plan for your life
  • Define the dreams and potential God has given you
  • Gain clarity about a fulfilling career path
  • Sharpen your skills for balancing time, resources and relationships
  • Develop strategies for overcoming obstacles, rising above discouragement and turning dreams into reality
  • Identify and screen opportunities that come your way
  • Gain insights about how God designed family members and how this affects relational dynamics
  • Get a game plan for next steps—no matter what your age or stage in life