What We Believe About God and Work

We embrace biblical and historic Christianity as expressed in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, and summarized in the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds. Additionally, we affirm the five tenets of the Protestant Reformation: 1. Sola Scriptura, Scripture alone; 2. Sola Gratia, by grace alone; 3. Sola Fide, through faith alone; 4. Sola Christus, in Christ alone; and 5. Soli Deo Gloria, to God alone be the glory.

Our Guide

Since we trust the Bible as God’s inspired word, it serves as the foundation for all our essential beliefs and how we conduct ourselves under God’s kingdom rule in every area of life, including our daily work.

God at Work

We believe that God Himself is a worker and introduces Himself as such in the first two chapters of Genesis. Created in His image, we are workers, too. And, though tainted by sin, work is a good gift of God and to be done for His glory—no matter what type of work we do.

Christian Work

Christian work is not limited to working at a church, mission organization, or Christian school. Christian work is any good work, well done—whether it’s done at home, in an office, on a factory floor, at a construction site, or at any of the countless places people perform work that cares for creation and fosters human flourishing.

Church Work

We believe that the Church can best foster the spiritual growth of its congregation and promote human flourishing in the local and global community by making whole-life disciples who see Christ as Lord of every area of life.

The Gospel at Work

We believe that the workplace is the most strategic venue for the spread of the gospel and that Christians in the workplace are called to be Christ’s ambassadors there.

Business at Work

We believe that business is a noble endeavor and has a unique role in fulfilling God’s design for His world and nurturing a gospel inspired movement that brings cultural renewal and fosters human flourishing in our communities.

The Future of Work

We believe that Christ’s redemption extends beyond humankind to the entire cosmos and that He will one day restore shalom to His entire universe bringing beauty, rest, joy, perfection, freedom, and fulfilling work. Until then, it is our responsibility through the power of the Holy Spirit to bring God’s kingdom rule and life-giving presence to bear wherever we live and work.