Equipping Texans to Bridge the Gap Between Sunday Faith and Monday Work
“Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”
—Jeremiah 29:7
Our daily work, whether in a church, business, or home is important to God, His kingdom, and human flourishing. Sunday faith and Monday work are inseparably linked …
so much so
that the flourishing of our state ultimately depends on men and women who take their faith to work and seek the welfare, not just of their person or enterprises, but of their communities.
Texas Center for Faith & Work seeks to create an state-wide coalition of individuals, businesses, ministry organizations, and churches working separately and collaboratively to equip, connect, and mobilize Christians to extend God’s kingdom impact through the workplace in order to bring about gospel-centered transformation in communities across the state giving our fellow Texans a foretaste of flourishing in God’s kingdom
Together we we choose to build bridges between Sunday faith and Monday work. We do this by applying God’s wisdom to the workplace. We do this by …
- Fostering collaborative relationships between leaders who can extend God’s kingdom influence into the workplace
- Maximizing the strategic resources and influence that of the business community for gospel-centered transformation
- Creating high-impact initiatives that challenge Christians to apply God’s wisdom to their work.
- Mentoring young leaders who will advance God’s kingdom in the future.
The Texas Center for Faith & Work stands on the historic beliefs of the Christian faith contained in the Nicene and Apostles’ creeds, is committed to the proposition that lasting change only happens through a movement of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and believes that the workplace is of critical importance to extending the transforming power of the kingdom of God throughout Texas.
How We Build Bridges
We challenge workplace Christians to embrace a biblical vision of work, extend God’s kingdom, and fulfill their key role in the Great Commission.
We collaborate with local, national, and global leaders for significant kingdom advancement through strategic, catalytic initiatives.
We mentor and coach individuals, business leaders, and church leaders to equip them with workplace wisdom to embrace and fulfill their key role in advancing God’s kingdom agenda for the workplace.
The Texas Center for Faith & Work and the 24Seven Project are workplace ministries of Foundations for Living, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Partner with Us
Home base is Dallas, Texas, but our collaborative commitments and reach extend across Texas and to the ends of the earth.